Grouper Fishing Regulations in the Florida Keys and Key West

Summer is upon us, which means grouper season is here. Grouper fishing in the Florida Keys and Key West is governed under the Atlantic grouper fishing regulations pursuant to Florida wildlife regulations.   Season Grouper fishing in the Florida Keys and Key West...

What should I think about when considering a divorce?

Is your marriage is over? Not many people recite their vows in front of friends and family expecting their marriage will end in divorce.  Over the many years of marriage, events can create conflict that is sometimes too much for spouses to resolve.  Our office advises...

How do I modify a Parenting Plan?

How do I modify a court ordered or previously agreed to Parenting Plan? If you and the parent of your child(ren) have a Parenting Plan in place that isn’t working, the Key West lawyers at the Law Office of Robertson & Hunter may be able to have it modified...

Florida Keys and Key West Dolphin Fishing Regulations

  The Key West criminal defense lawyers at Robertson & Hunter represent clients charged with criminal fishing violations. Florida Fish and Wildlife aggressively patrols the Florida Keys waters and will issue citations for undersized fish and/or over the bag...

Making Sense of Medical Marijuana in Florida

The Florida Medical Marijuana Constitutional Amendment   On November 8th, 2016, the citizens of the State of Florida sent an overwhelming message to their legislatures: If you are not going to act on Medical Marijuana, we will. 71% of Florida voters voted yes on...

How do I seal or expunge my record?

Keep your background check clean.   Many people who find themselves entangled in the criminal justice system are good people who were simply in the wrong situation or just made a mistake.  These people have never before been charged with a crime and wonder how it...