How do I modify a court ordered or previously agreed to Parenting Plan?
If you and the parent of your child(ren) have a Parenting Plan in place that isn’t working, the Key West lawyers at the Law Office of Robertson & Hunter may be able to have it modified to better suit your family’s needs. Often times there are unforeseen circumstances that warrant a change in time-sharing: A parent may lose their job or housing, a parent’s work schedule can change resulting in a lack of care for the child(ren), or a child can be negatively impacted by a previously agreed to Parenting Plan, to name a few. If you propose a change in time-sharing and the other parent does not agree to it, tremendous conflict can be created between the two of you. Turmoil between parents can negatively impact your child(ren). Stop arguing with the parent of your child(ren) and seek counsel for a solution that will work better for you and your child(ren).
What should you do if you think you need to modify your Parenting Plan?
Contact our Key West lawyers at Robertson & Hunter to schedule a 30-minute consultation to see if your specific circumstances meet the legal requirements necessary to modify your time-sharing agreement. Please bring your current Parenting Plan, Final Judgment and any other relevant court documents so our lawyers can best advise you as to what options you have. You may have the opportunity to attend mediation to resolve your concerns prior to initiating a legal action. Attending mediation often saves you time and money. A contested Petition for Modification of a Parenting Plan usually takes some time to resolve. This is especially true if a parent is requesting to relocate with the child(ren) more than 50 miles from their current residence and that relocation is objected to by the other parent (FL SS 61.13001). We look forward to meeting with you and helping you resolve your time-sharing concerns. As always, we keep any confidential client disclosures private and in the strictest confidence.